
Showing posts from December, 2015

Daftar nilai TIK kelas IX C 2015

ROMBONGAN BELAJAR SMP NEGERI 1 KALIBAGOR TAHUN 2015/2016 KELAS 9 C 1 ALFIN P 80 2 AMIRU L 85 3 ANDI L 85 4 ANISA P 84 5 BARKA L 85 6 CIPTA L 80 7 DANNA L 85 8 DIMAS L 88 9 EVITA P 84 10 FAJAR L 86 11 FAREL P 80 12 FARHA L 86 13 FAUZI L 81 14 HAMSY L 77 15 HAMZA L 85 16 HANI P 81 17 ICA F P 89 18 IRVAN L 81 19 KUSNO L 79 20 LARAS P 80 21 MUHAM L 87 22 MUTIA P 87 23 NOVAL L 85 24 NURHI P 81 25 NURUL P 78 26 PUJI P 78 27 REZA L 86 28 RIYAN L 87 29 SEVI P 87 30 SYARA P 78 31 TRISN P 80 NILAI 89 NILAI 77 RATA 83,02

Text Report Bahasa Inggris

Text report bahasa inggris tentang pulau bali TEXT REPORT ABOUT PLACE KELAS IX C SMP N 1 KALIBAGOR DISUSUN OLEH : 1.DIMAS DWI PRIYONO      08 2.FAJAR PRIADI                10 ENGLIS TEACHER Mr.HARDJONO,S.Pd BALI ISLAND Bali island is one of the islands in Indonesia. Bali is a small island which is located between Java island and Lombok island. Hinduism is the most popular religion in Bali. Bali is very well-known as a tourism destination. Its beaches are the main attraction of Bali island. Beside, Bali has many unique traditions and cultures. Balineses have their own way to give a name to a person Picture:Maps of bali island are several religions in Bali. The religion which has the most population is Hinduism. Most of Balineses adhere to Balinese Hinduism. So, it is not difficult to find a temple in Bali. The second is Moeslem. We can see from there are mosques, although they are n...